

Easily add AI-powered features to your app. Get transcripts, detect objects, extract text, flag NSFW content, and more

ittybit mascot robot in front of a screenshot of the intelligence screen

Ittybit provides a single API for adding powerful AI-powered features to your app. You can get transcripts from audio and video, automatically generate subtitles for videos, label objects, extract text, detect NSFW content, detect faces and emotions, and much more. AI tools are evolving at an incredible pace, so we're constantly adding new features with the same simple API. You don't need to buy GPUs or become an AI expert to take advantage of the latest advances in your own apps.

Create transcripts from audio and video

Automatic subtitles for videos

Label objects in images and videos

Extract text from images and videos

Detect NSFW content in images and videos

Detect faces and emotions in images and videos

Video summarization (great for search)

Image description (prompt generation)

Image and video profiling (colors, formats, sizes, etc)

Scene and shot detection in videos

Motion tracking and stabilization in videos

Clean up images (noise reduction, text removal, and object removal)

Enhance images (super resolution)

Remove background from images and videos (rotoscope)

Enhance audio (noise reduction, volume normalization, and more)

Detect and remove silence from audio

Start uploading in seconds

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