Convert, compress, and transform your media files
Deliver the perfect file to every device

Declarative API
Transform files with simple consistent commands. No magic incantations or ChatGPT copypasta required.
Powerful automation
Automatically create all the variants you need for every upload. No more queues, retries, or monitoring to worry about.
Scale up effortlessly
Ittybit's infrastructure team have built broadcast-scale systems so you can build without thinking about GPUs, kubernetes, or serverless timeouts.
Don't go broke!
Predictable and affordable pricing means you can scale your media workflows without burning through your entire seed round.
Start transforming your video, image, and audio files in minutes
Normalise files to maximise compatibility across devices and platforms. Create variants in modern formats to speed up page loading times and reduce your bandwidth costs.

const task = { url: "https://your.domain/iphone-video.hevc", format: "mp4", } const response = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: {'Authorization': `Bearer ${ITTYBIT_KEY}`}, body: JSON.stringify(task) });

Reduce the size of your files to eliminate buffering and cut your bandwidth costs. Advanced compression algorithms can produce up to 90% smaller files without sacrificing quality.

const task = { url: "https://your.domain/giant-dashcam-video.mp4", format: "mp4", quality: 75, filename: "compressed-archive.mp4", }

Crop user-generated media to specific aspect ratios, or create more efficient sizes for smaller devices. Your media will look great and load quickly on any device.

const task = { url: "https://your.domain/huge-profile-pic.heic", format: "webp", quality: 75, width: 800, height: 800, resize: "cover", filename: "avatar.webp", }

Create previews from longer uploads, extract clips from your files, or normalise user-generated content to a consistent length.

const task = { url: "https://your.domain/members-only/lesson.mp4", filename: "trailer.mp4", start: 0, end: 60, }

Add your branding to media files. You can include images (e.g. your logo), text (e.g. the uploader's username), or both. Get creative.

const task = { url: "https://your.domain/uploaded-video.mp4", filename: "branded-video.mp4", width: 720, end: 120, layers: [ { src: "https://your.domain/logo.png", height: 200, bottom: 400, }, { text: `@${user.username}`, fontSize: 16 bottom: 360, } ] }

Get started for free
10GB tasks. 100GB storage. 1TB delivery
Our PE lessons are used by 80,000 kids around the globe. Ittybit helps us serve HD video reliably and affordably to any region, and that means kids can train wherever they live.

Simon Brundish
Founder, Strength:Lab